Sunday, March 1, 2009

About Me's?

About me's are officially gay. not because someone extremely "scene" said so, but because people are going to believe what they want about you whether you like it or not. so why waste your time sitting there explaining your whole life story, when truth be told you can say whatever you want and your gonna get judged anyway. you can judge my beliefs, but you could never tell me what i believe in. i believe in god, and doing everything hard. love hard. live hard. play hard. work hard. i believe in living each day as if it is your last. i believe in living in the moments that take your breathe away.realtalk:I'm black, that doesn't make me ignorant. and it doesn't mean i talk like I'm from the ghetto. this is fact not fiction; for the first time in years. you could tell me i was the most handsome guy in the world & i wouldn't hear a word you said. i will entertain stupidity, but REFUSE to tolerate ignorance. I've become really annoyed with the world lately, seriously cant we all just get along? i support homosexuality. i support interracial dating. i will support your dreams and everything you've ever believed in. as long as they don't include judging, discriminating or killing. =] newsflash. there is no such thing as "talking black/white/asian/purple" one cannot actually talk black. you talk however it is that you do, and if its ghetto&ignorant, it's ghetto and ignorant. get it? oh I'm sorry you don't? its okay, there are a lot of things you won't get. like me. ever

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