Sunday, April 5, 2009

Its Palm Sunday

I missed Church today..sorry..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ryan Giggs

Monday, March 30, 2009

Gym Talk

So when I be at the gym I hear some of the craziest shit ever. Like today I was on the treadmill and these 2 ladies next to me talking about RIBS. Like are you serious we in the gym for a reason to lose weight not to lose weight and gain it Also when I was on the treadmill and I heard a group of ladies talking about this cult and how the cults get a lot of ''Unknown'' Finical aid..smh and then you got the goon niggaz in the back talking about hoes and one of them niggaz smell lie stinky water. lmfao

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Healthy Dinner

This is what I made

Quote of the day

Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.-Malcolm X

Slim Thug

I got to say this week I been listening to a lot of artist that I was listening to my freshmen year and high school Beanie Sigel (The B.Coming album) and now I am listening to Slim Thug new album Boss of all Bosses. F what you heard slim thug go hard and i been listening to him for about 5 years now. lol I remember freshmen year in saturday detention back when I had a cd player i was playing Already Platinum lol the good old days.

Will check out his new album Boss of all Bosses(in stores now)

My Bad

I am sorry I haven't been posting that much been kinda busy with this diet and working out(6pack season coming soon), Beside that been busy. I hate that people i don't like reading my blog to keep tabs on me sad. Anywho it sunday and chicago and its SNOW OUTSIDE WTF. Anywho I don't care actually. So I got job working with my uncle getting paid everyday o yeah. So beside that chilling.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Post of the day/Quote of the day

Its raining today and i felt this quote should just be read and read and be analyzed.

Life is so very fragile. we are all vulnerable. And we will all at some point in our lives fall. We will all fall. We must carry this in our hearts. That what we have is special. That it can be taken from us, and that when it is taken from us we will be tested. We will all be tested to our very souls. We will all now be tested. It is these times, it is this pain, that allows us to look inside ourselves-Coach Taylor(Friday Night Lights)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Quote of the day

If you don't like yourself..No No..If you don't love yourself who can you love?-Family Matter

New Addiction

My new Tv show Addiction is ''Friday Night Lights'' its simply a great show. I am on the last episode of season 1 and I started watching the show Friday lmfao.

Haven't post in 3days

So yeah, What's been up world? So I been chillin on that lazy man swag. I just been studying the styles for the summer and my future style. Other then that relaxing on vacation....I really want to see this movie called Adventureland it looks really awesome.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Quote of the day

It come from my big brother
If you think it. Then it shall come true and also stay positive

Charles Hamiton

Not really a fan but I am digging this single off his debut album..The Pink Lavalamp

Evergreen Plaza Throwback

I remember in 1996 my mom took me over to evergreen plaza and brought me these Jordan's..Wow I was amazed when I got these I think I was like only 6 or either 5

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Monday People

Hello people,Good afternoon

I think I am probably coming down with something. I had 4headaches in 4days also I am always weak and tried i don't know what the hell is going on.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jim Jones suprised me

Check out Jim Jones-Pray for Reign
That song goes so hard its off his new album Pray IV Reign

Quote of the day

Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress -Bruce Barton

I feel like Camron

I am listening to Currensy and I am just thinking about last night. I gotta say I should have just stayed at home. It was nice seeing everyone but its remind me or senior year in highschool when everybody went to Hunters house to do the same old same old. I don't like the same old same old. The best part of the night was just hanging out with Shawn,New York,and they other guy. We was talking about old stories and other stuff...minus the Bullshit
I am goin back low key like Camron

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Batman the brave and the bold

The new Batman cartoon is actually REALLY GOOD. This coming from me a real Batman fan PERIOD!

Today is a great day

I woke up early today around 6ish. I watched Batman the cartoon with my mom. Then i worked out for like 30mins. My leg are kind sore but its all good. Then took a great shower. After that put the garbage cans in then I ate 2 boiled eggs and orange juice which was really good.but. With that said the question of the day is this:
Why can't people just have a peace of mind?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Diet,Exercise,and Learning

As I am typing this I am pretty tried and hungry. I haven't eaten today because now I am this only eat once a day diet and exercise program. Tomorrow I will try to go to the library and check out a book so I can get my mind juice flowing. The Internet,TV,and Movies just don't get the mind juice flowing. Plus I only like reading books about the past like the Great Depression and World War II Era. If it catches my interest I shall read it lol. Will if I wasn't going to school for Marketing I will be a History Teacher. History is awesome to me. I think I would make a kick a** teacher for sure.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

NYC Chick

So I am on this chicks blogspot and GOT DAMN. Her shoe game is beyond crazy. I know i wasn't going to be on that whole Materialist stuff. Gosh she's killing me. So i read so of her post and she seems like my dream girl. Go figure that..Like the Title says she lives in NYC. Like I haven't stated yet I DON'T PLAN ON MOVING TO NEW YORK CITY.


No editing*
So my itunes is on shuffle and i turn this one song and BOOM T.I. Hello comes on and the only thing that this song reminds me of this girl(no names). Shw was one of the sweetest girls EVER! She had this song on her ipod our sophomore year in highschool. I would love to call her now,but she off at school. Last May was Senior year and I remember for like a month straight i realized she was the girl I wanted to make Wifey. She realized I had a crush on her and she didn't even care. Damn I miss Dana i can't wait to see her this summer.


Broke Fast pt2

Ate again DAMN!

The old me ...smh

Broke the fast

I ate once and it was this evening......sad

Diddy Quote on Twitter

I feel this quote is very true thank you Diddy.

Whatever you may be going thru rt now. Don't stress it! God is in the drivers seat! SIT BACK and ENJOY the RIDE! He's the Greatest driver!!!-Diddy Via twitter


Fasting is making me extra tried. All I drank today was Gatorade. Plus I was working out today so I am guess the combination is making me really like lazy and I am in kinda of weak state right now. I realized that if I don't think about food I will be good.

This will be me one day

Song of the day

Meiko-Boys with girlfriends. This is actually a really excellent song.
She signed to Myspace Records

Quote of the day

To the panhandlers, peep game. I worked at subway & burger king when I was a teen, nobody gave me a handout! GRIND, FAIL & LEARN. trust me!-Ben Ballers Twitter

Monday, March 9, 2009

So Old World

So its Tuesday March 10th at 2:00am and I have nothing to do. I am listening to JoJo lol its funny because the song I am listening to. I heard it before my Freshmen year in highschool which was 2004. Wow time fly's. The last time I heard was my senior year. Minus that I really want to lose weight. I been watching A LOT OF NIP TUCK. So go figure. Twitter is my new addiction along with Nip Tuck. So on Twitter Diddy said he is on a Spiritual fast and you know what I am going to join him on that. 2days NO FOOD just juice.EASY!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

2 Quotes of the day

These quotes about life. I found these interesting

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life-Charles Darwin

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.-Buddha

Rain x House x Mtv Cribs x Twitter x Nip Tuck

That's basically how my day went.I woke up in the afternoon and basically watched Tv and ate. Sorry people nothing special today. I really really want to work out so i can lose weight before i June 1st! I can wait til i get a job and start summer school. I got this whole vision for myself. So yeah i am bored i am on itunes. Working on my Kingsley Playlist lol. Actually i can't wait for summer because it's these 2 chicks coming home from school that I kinda still have a crush on. I will post that later gors

Friday, March 6, 2009

Life Lesson's

I didn't write this. But i feel this is very important,i had it on my myspace page for away so read and enjoy.

Like i said before I'm starting to have a new perspective in life, but at the same time i am getting new one on friendships and love..

My new perspective on life is that everyday is a new day. You should have fun and smile as much as you can. Don't listen to the negative things that people have to say. As much as you try theirs always going to be someone that doesn't like you and someone that has something to say. Just don't let them get to you because if you really think about it, there not helping u get anywhere in life so why should u even care? If people judge you, just shake them off and go on about your business. Don't take things too seriously and don't stress over useless things. Always remember to be yourself and realize you cant please everyone. Don't let others stop u from accomplishing your goals, and don't let them hold u back.


My perspective on friendship is to treat people how they treat me. People say that you find out who your true friends are in high school. I still have a few years until high school ends, but at this point i have already realized who they are. Ya people will say they'll always be there and they care, but when it comes down to it, they disappear or stab u in the back. This happened to me a lot this past year. I mean i forgive bu i don't EVER forget. Your friends are the ones that care enough to do ANYTHING to make u smile. Don't judge a book by its cover because u never know whats in it, and first impressions aren't always what they seem<<(that was for u Greedy). You should let people into your life and don't be afraid to accept a helping hand. However, make sure u really know the person before u put trust in them. I'm a really nice person but people try to take that advantage of that, well as of this day you wont. I am tired of people doing me shady and i just forgive them. If u realize i am not as close to u like i use to be then something is wrong. Not that i don't like u bu in someway u hurt me. I am just gonna treat people how they want to be treated.. so watch wat u say to me, because it will come directly back to u. And those of my friends who love me and are there, remember i got y'all back no matter what.


My new perspective on love is that it should be mutual. Everybody dreams about being in love, but once you went through it, your not too sure u want to experience it again. My new years resolution was to find someone who loves me as much as i love them. Basically where our feelings were equal to one another. In a way i guess u can say i have, but i don't know if LOVE is all that i thought it was cracked out to be. I didn't realize how much pain it really is sometimes. But i don't regret anything that happened because every smile that i had on my face carried over all the tears i shed. If u really love someone then u should just try your best to make them happy. As much as the pain they caused may hurt, u just have to let it go and try to go to how things use to be. If that's not possible then as much as it might hurt you have to let go. Love is about LISTENING 2 one another. Sometimes it's so easy just to say your over someone and to say forget them, but deep down u know that's far from the truth. Think long and hard before letting go someone u love. Even if your tired of the things they do, u might not realize how much someone means to u until their gone. It might seem like a good idea to move on from the pain but one day u will look back and wish that they would still cause u pain just as in excuse for them to still be around. When people are in love they do crazy things. They start making excuses for them, they even do things to hurt one another purposely just to try to cause them pain because they were hurt too. Ur mind may tell u to just be be through with them because of the situation, bu if u listen carefully to your heart, its saying the opposite. Don't let the one u love fall right through your arms. In life there will be many temptations and people standing in the way, but if your love is strong then u should be able to work past that. This past year has been crazy for me, but I've realized that i shouldn't stress over love as much as i have been. I think of it this way, if that person really loves me then they should at least try to understand where i am coming from.

think about these quotes:

"Don't leave the one you love for the one you like because the one you like will leave you for the one they love"

"Love, like a river, will cut a new path
whenever it meets an obstacle."

"You know you are in love
when you see the world in her eyes,
and her eyes everywhere in the world"

with this said.. i am going to start a new way of life.. i know that sometimes i might forget about my perspectives.. bu i will try my hardest...

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Good Weather Chicago

Today was like 64 Degree's in Chicago wow. I was walking to the Liquor store to get something to eat as I smell somebody BBq's. Damn! People thirsty to BBq. Anyway you know people ready for summer people riding around bumping music loud with the windows door. Plus people got on shorts wow. But man it was summer wind felt cold to me a lil bit. My neighbor Lord asked me to come out. I was like Yea(i lied) and i never came out the crib.

Feb 6, 2007 5:07 PM The Message

Okay the title probably won't make any sense. But i received this Message my junior year in highschool. I remember it like yesterday. I think i was cutting the grassed in i texted this girl name Karley but read the message she sent me on myspace.

hey kingsley..

so i just got ur text message saying "if you didnt like me then why didnt u just tell me". its kinda hard to respond back to this because i did like you. your a great guy and have an amazing personality but i just dont want to get involved in a relationship right now, its not what im looking for now. im sorry if i lead you on thinking that. and i want to let u know that i wasnt avoiding ur calls or texts becuase like i said before i do have a prepaid phone and i dont get a lot of minutes nad texts with it, so its kinda like an emergency phone u know. i did end up sending u a crush can thou! because ur that great!! i sstill wanna chat and stuff w/u becuase ur a great friend and plus ur a hottie! lol

love u!

What's funny about this message is that we started talking like 3days later. Then we STOPPED talking when i didn't ask her to prom.SMH girls

Bad Music Make Me Laugh

Lmfao. Awful rap music make me laugh and smile when i am down and out. I remember me and my bestfriend use to dance and smile to Gucci Mane-Kick a Door. THE worst song OF THE WEEK MAYBE THE MONTH IS OJ da Juiceman - Washing Powder. You can watch the video on

Song of the day

Bitter Sweet-Bittersweet faith. I first heard this song when i watched Devil Wears Prada and I was like wow this song is energizing refreshing to my ears. This song is on the Devil Wears Prada soundtrack and on there album The Mating Game

Quote of the day

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young -Henry Ford

Amanda Bynes

Gosh she is beautiful. Simply amazing hope when I got out to L.A i can meet her.
She minds me of the song of the day Bitter Sweet-Bittersweet faith

Whoa I didn't post Yesterday

Yesterday,was a weird day. My sister and her kids moved to Wisconsin that's probably a random place to move to. So yesterday I decided to really get my life on the right track. I been saying that ALL WEEK,but yesterday I final have my planned figured out.Can you say Hello to the New World Hello to the New Girl.Hello to the Life O its so Bright.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Quote of the day

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail-Benjamin Franklin

Song of the day

The song of the day comes from Paramore-Just Like Me.
It's a really awesome song. The song is from an Old Demo so go figure

I want a Ipod or Iphone

I really love music and i making my own Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Let's call my Kingsley Infinite Playlist!

Loner but not a stoner

I am hoping that being a loner will bring peace to myself and others. The thing is that i don't want to be the topic of everybody discussion. Plus I want to get my life on the right path. As of right now i feel like a failure to my father,and a awful best friend to my best friend. Plus I want to make my family proud. So with that said I don't want to live off somebodies dream. I want to live my own life and dream.

No More Facebook

I feel that facebook is like a tool to get famous or get fame. I never asked people to friendquest me(kind of a lie) or make me quote unquote Popular. The thing is I can't blame facebook for the things going on in my life. I can only blame myself. I am trying to stay away from people and the ''scene kids''. Basically and so many words i am trying to get my life right.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Quote of The day

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win - Gandhi (1869-1948).

Milwaukee Phylicia

This is what Phylicia said about my blog/diary:
I like it a lot, i love to read other peoples point of views and about what they go thru cause it reminds you that we are all human and go thru struggles, my friend Lindo puts up blogs on myspace that i read all the time. its better then reading books

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

Two teenagers, nursing broken hearts, fall in love during one sleepless night in New York while searching for their favorite band's unannounced show.I got to say this is a simply awesome and amazing movie and its every beautiful.If you haven't seen it..i think you really should!


I lack interest in ''the ladies'' now of days. I guess i haven't found a young lady that really interest me. Like there's a lot of fine young ladies out here but how many can i connect with on a real bases. How many females can put up with me and how many females can i put up with before I walk away. As of right now females irritate me really quick.WHOMP

F.Y.I I am not gay

Song of the day

Ciara-crush from her The Evolution album. I haven't heard this song since my Junior year in highschool. I remember it was like March or April and i was bumping this all day one day in school. I was either dating or about to date this girl name Katie lol. The good old days.

P.s. I have no crush.

Autumn is Fresh

Here is her reply to my Post:
I have your back because i see the potential to succeed in you. I know u don' have the best attitude and i feel like i am the only person that deals with it lol u already know that if you fix this and other small things about you, then you could have the possibility to succeed without people focusing on your attitude. I am willing to work with yo tho and I am here for you if you ever need anything. Yeah we been friends for only a couple months but you've already grown to be someone close to me =]

Leader or Follower?

That's the question that's in my mind as of right now. I know that i am leader to a certain extent.but i kinda find my self following not people but things and idea's. Do that makes since yes no maybe so? Like I love Marketing but i found myself wanting to do music marketing because my friends do music. Also i found myself wanting to do Fashion marketing because my friends did fashion. Or maybe i just like both. Same thing i want to say with Fashion. Will not fashion but I DONT KNOW. I am writing with out thinking because idk. lol. Just know at the end of the day the Leader is in control and the follower just follows. Sad ''SMH''

Kinda Interesting


I realize that people can't be friends forever people grow apart. Your quote ''best friend'' probably won't always have your back or believe you. So with that said. Here my quote i wrote of that today...
Think Realized..Maybe we should realize that we know longer close and just stop faking the cool..Hello New World

Autumn in the Winter?

The title sounds weird correct? But really it has a meaning. I will revile the meaning at the end. Have you ever had a knew friend that had your back and you never new why. Will i have a friend like that and she kinda weird yet amazing. I feel bad because i have a ''BAD ATTITUDE'' and some how i can take it out on her. I think me and her became friend back at the end of December of 2008? With that said now I could consider her a friend. Her name is Autumn and yes the season we our in now is that's the meaning

P.s.-I have no good friends or best friends

About Me's?

About me's are officially gay. not because someone extremely "scene" said so, but because people are going to believe what they want about you whether you like it or not. so why waste your time sitting there explaining your whole life story, when truth be told you can say whatever you want and your gonna get judged anyway. you can judge my beliefs, but you could never tell me what i believe in. i believe in god, and doing everything hard. love hard. live hard. play hard. work hard. i believe in living each day as if it is your last. i believe in living in the moments that take your breathe away.realtalk:I'm black, that doesn't make me ignorant. and it doesn't mean i talk like I'm from the ghetto. this is fact not fiction; for the first time in years. you could tell me i was the most handsome guy in the world & i wouldn't hear a word you said. i will entertain stupidity, but REFUSE to tolerate ignorance. I've become really annoyed with the world lately, seriously cant we all just get along? i support homosexuality. i support interracial dating. i will support your dreams and everything you've ever believed in. as long as they don't include judging, discriminating or killing. =] newsflash. there is no such thing as "talking black/white/asian/purple" one cannot actually talk black. you talk however it is that you do, and if its ghetto&ignorant, it's ghetto and ignorant. get it? oh I'm sorry you don't? its okay, there are a lot of things you won't get. like me. ever

Hello New World

So.Before i start. I want to say my name is Kingsley Agboje Jr. and i am not perfect and this is not a perfect blog. I am probably wont have many followers. This is more of a diary then a blog to me. I realized that you can't trust people,but you can trust yourself if you remain silent. So I am taking a vale of silents. So with that said i am changing for the better so take this journey with me.